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CT Scan/Results

Post #2
Hemingway is having a CT scan done to determine exactly where the tumor is. Then we go from there. If it hasn’t spread, then an amputation is next.

Post #3

The CT scans came back today for Hemingway. I just got a call from the vet. The cancer has NOT spread, margins are good. Unfortunately, we will have to amputate in order to save his life. But, from what I hear from family and friends, it doesn’t slow them down. I’m grateful I get more time. He has helped me so much this past year get through my anxiety and depression.

All I want for Christmas is my family healthy and happy. Never take for granted any soul that is in your life. Friends, family, fur baby family… don’t get too comfortable and not take care of each other. I will do anything I can do to help those I love.

Hemingway has not had it easy. Almost 5 years ago we had a sudden cataract and we fixed it. And now this. I think Hemingway is trying to become a pirate.🏴‍☠️

Ziggy’s left foot, Hemingway’s right foot. The leg that had the cancer. (We amputated on Dec 1)

Next Halloween costume.

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Cancer Diagnosis

November is National Pet Cancer Awareness Month. Little did I know, going into this month, that we’d be facing this diagnosis with Hemingway, our Beagle boy.



Post # 1

On October 23, I noticed a lump in the interior of his right thigh. No ulceration, no pain. Just a hard lump. We took him to the vet on the 26th. We had a fine needle aspiration done. That came back inconclusive. There was some fatty cells and a possible spindle cell. We took a short, wait and see approach but then it got larger. We returned to the vet on November 13th. With a larger needle, 3 more aspirations were taken as well as a Xray.

The xray showed a well defined mass (unlikely to be a cyst or a granuloma). The lump is between muscles and is about 6.7×7.9 cm (LH).

I received a call on Thursday, November 16th about 12:00 pm with the cytology reports. The mass is consistent with fibrosarcoma/ soft tissue sarcoma. I spent the rest of my afternoon trying to find an oncologist/surgeon to get him in right away.

I was finally able to get an appointment with Sage Specialty and Emergency Services in Concord for a consultation appointment on Nov 28.

This is where we are at. This is hard. For those of you with “pets”, you know they aren’t just “pets”, they are family. Hemingway helped me through this last year of mental health illness. Whatever it takes, I’ll do.


The lump at the first aspiration

lump on leg…

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